Dominika Matuzik
Speech-Language Therapist
Polskojęzyczny Logopeda
Dominika Matuzik, M.S., CCC-SLP/L, PEL is a practicing licensed bilingual (Polish-English) speech-language therapist and owner of DM Speech Therapy LLC. She provides speech-language therapy in Chicago and surrounding suburbs.
Areas of Expertise
Consultations, Screenings, Evaluations, Speech and Language Therapy, Teletherapy
Dominika Matuzik is a bilingual (Polish-English) speech-language pathologist who has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with a variety of communication disorders. She has worked in different clinical environments which include schools, hospitals, and outpatient clinics.
Diagnoza i terapia logopedyczna: dzieci , osób dorosłych i starszych (po udarach, wylewach, ze stwardnieniem rozsianym, chorobą Parkinsona), osób jąkających się, pacjentów ze spektrum autyzmu i pacjentów z zespołem Downa.
Contact Me
Please use this form to send us your questions. You can also email us at
Tel: 224-628-5823
Fax: 847-510-0776